Thursday, September 1, 2016

The Man I Pray For

This is a list I've been working on for a little while. 
I think it's important that women do this. Now , I really don't expect for each of these things to be fulfilled, but this is just what I woul love, love, love. 
Some may seem a little silly, but most are from the depths of my heart. 
Jesus provides. And I trust him. 

I pray for a man who loves Jesus.
I pray for a man who will pursue my heart and soul. 
I pray for a man who brings me closer to Jesus. 
I pray for a man who is admired for his love for Jesus. 
I pray for a man who sings to me. 
I pray for a man who trusts me and when I begin to question everything, he's present. 
I pray for a man who won't run. 
I pray for a man who loves deeply.
I pray for a man with compassion for people and passion for his gifts. 
I pray for a man who inspires me and those around him. 
I pray for a man my siblings look up to.
I pray for a man who's parents adore me. 
I pray for a man who loves coffee and knows how I take mine on certain days.
I pray for a man who will hold me and not let me run. He will chase me and hold me close to him. 
I pray for a man who will dance with me. 
I pray for a man who will watch I Love Lucy with me. 
I pray for a man with a vision, who is not idly stuck. 
I pray for a man who is slow to anger. 
I pray for a man who loves bread, butter and wine as much as I. 
I pray for a man who wings Disney karaoke on road trips with me.
I pray for a man who communicates. 
I pray for man who is romantic
I pray for a man who likes Disney, Star Wars and Lord of the Rings like I. 
I pray for a man who makes me laugh. 
I pray for a man who prays for and with me. 
I pray for a man who will stay. 
I pray for a man who reminds me of my worth.
I pray for a man who is honest.
I pray for a man who is strong and wise. 
I pray for a man who is a gentlemen: who pays the bills, opens the door, walks me to the door, waits for a text that I got in ok, who waits until I get home before he goes home, who kisses me goodnight. 
I pray for a man that will ask for my father's permission. 
I pray for a man that respects my mom. 
I pray for a man who treats me like a princess. 
I pray for a man who saves me a seat in church. 
I pray for a man with tattoos... I like tattoos.
I pray for a man who is understanding and when he hears my story, he will be forgiving. 
I pray for a man who cries when I walk down to meet him at the altar. 
I pray for a man who knows his worth is in You, Lord. 
I pray for a man who makes others laugh. 
I pray for a man who reads the Bible with me.
I pray for a man who will read to me.
I pray for a man who fights for me. 
I pray for a man who recognizes his gifts. 
I pray for a man who prays over dinner.
I pray for a man who is my best friend. 
I pray for a man who is courageous. 
I pray for a man who is brave. 
I pray for a man who likes to explore and adventure with me.
I pray for a man who calls just to hear my voice.
I pray for a man who surprises me, in all the best ways.
I pray for a man who knows all my favorite things, places and the like. 
I pray for a man who likes to build with his hands. 
I pray for a man who calls to say goodnight.
I pray for a man with big, but gentle hands. 
I pray for a man who compliments me.
I pray for a man who finds me beautiful, all the days of my life. 
I pray for a man for a man who always speaks kindly of me to others.
I pray for a man who adores me. 
I pray for a man who writes to me. 
I pray for a man who leaves me flowers and sweet notes. 
I pray for a man I can forgive any day.
I pray for a man who can forgive me any given day.
I pray for a man in which his hand fits perfectly into mine.
I pray for a man with nice arms and an even better butt. (Shut up. A girl can dream right!)
I pray for a man who dreams about me not only in the night, but also in the day. 
I pray for a man who thinks I'm a pretty sleeper...because I'm not so pretty when I wake up.
I pray for a man who enjoys pizza and just lots and lots of food like me,but also knows how important hitting the gym is to me. 
I pray for a man who holds me when I have an anxiety attack and tells me it's going to be ok. 
I pray for a man who holds me while watching the fireworks, my favorite. 
I pray for a man who will slow dance with me in the street.
I pray for a man who kisses my forehead. 
I pray for a man who will protect me and makes me feel safe. 
I pray for a man who loves me unconditionally. 
I pray for a man who acknowledges me.
I pray for a man who will rap the guy part in "Fantasy" by Mariah Carey and lets me sing the Mariah part... Badly.
I pray for a man who's favorite Disney princess movie is Beauty and the Beast, so our first dance can be to "Beauty and the Beast" by Celine Dion.
I pray for a man who gives me his jacket when I'm cold. 
I pray for a man who likes my laugh.
I pray for a man who longs for my presence. 
I pray for a man who likes to cuddle. 
I pray for a man who is my shoulder to lean and cry on. 
I pray for a man who tells me stories before bed. 
I pray for a man who is smart with his wallet. 
I pray for a man who saves. 
I pray for a man who is a good teacher.
I pray for a man I admire.
I pray for a man who waits for me. 
I pray for a man with a gentle voice. 
I pray for a man who hugs me all the time.
I pray for a man who desires to only kiss me for the rest of his life.
I pray for a man who is my peace and my calm. 
I pray for a man who will hold me while we fall asleep together and who will say a prayer with me before bed. 
I pray for a man who doesn't let an issue go until the next morning. We will figure out a problem until the sun comes up.
I pray for a man who will go to a J Cole concert with me, amongst others.  
I pray for a man who understands that sometimes I need to be alone and is not afraid to let me go, knowing I will come home. 
I pray for a man my friends love. 
I pray for a man who apologizes.
I pray for a man who owns up.
I pray for a man who recognizes when I'm hurting. 
I pray or a man who calls me "Sugar." 
I pray for a man who likes my laugh. 
I pray for a man who's laugh I adore. 
I pray for a man with an old soul like mine: who likes Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald and Nat King Cole as much as I. 
I pray for a man who will have insane tickle fights with me. 

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