Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The PP's

I don't know about you, but I'm a girl.
And with that treasure, you get Shark Weeks. 

I'm talking PP's today.
Period Problems. 

(que dramatic music)

my whole life I've had awful, awful, awful PP's
I get the cramps, the breakouts, the anger, the bloating, the constipation, all of it. 
I use so many pain relievers I wouldn't be surprised if my stomach ulcers had ulcers. 

Anyways. it stinks.
Today, this guy I just met in my class kept on trying to talk me & all I wanted to do
was sit my agony.
I. Wanted. To. Go. Home.
but i still had an hour. 
it was the most destructive hour of my life.

then i was driving home and I rode everybody's tail
now i do not usually commit such a crime
& i hate when people do it to me
but it was an emergency

then some construction workers were working on my street
& i yelled at one of them from out my window that he needed
to get out of the street so I could go home and use the bathroom.

...can't believe i did that

when you are experiencing the PP' you're a whole new person. 

I was listening to the radio and this girl came on and she talked about how happy 
she was that she was expecting. I told her, as if she could hear me, that her baby's name was ugly.

sorry future octavia.
(and if your name is that, im sorry. it's not ugly)

i went home. went to bed. used a heating a pad. ate some cookie dough.
a chocolate chip cookie. 4 sugar cooke christmas edition ones. and some lentil soup 

then i watched 5 episodes of Seinfeld.

then I laid in my bed for 3 hours. 

and now im tired and am ready for bed & it is 7 o'clock pm. 

I know (from personal experience) that if I cut the dairy & sugar & take my calcium & magnesium supplements, this won't happen. 
but it did. & I like cheese & cookies. 

Maybe next month. 

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