Friday, May 30, 2014

Things to Remember in Your Wenties (20's)

I turned 20 in March and I am stoked for the new adventure I will depart on this year and those later on. Here's a couple things to keep in mind when you depart on your wenties adventure:

1. You're going to be broke for a good amount of time. Don't spend what you don't have. Don't forget to save as much as you can now. Then you can buy that Lambo you've been dreaming of. 

2. My mama always says,"Work hard now so you can play later." 
Seriously, do it. Whatever it is be it school or work or whatever you do. Work hard now. Then go for a ride in that Lambo. Then pick me up. 

3. The first time you fall in love won't be the last time you fall in love. There are so many righteous people out there that you have yet to meet. Nor don't you dare settle. 

4. You will grow apart from your friends. You're going to move, get in relationships and take different career paths. They're going to take up a lot of time. Cherish the time you have together now. Today, call your friend and tell them you love them and you want to get a coffee.  

5. Nothing in your life is permanent. You won't be in school forever, the job you hate you won't last much longer, that Nutella jar in your cupboard will be gone by tonight, I guarantee you. 

6. You are one good-looking kid. No amount of dieting, working out or protein shakes are going to change the wonderful masterpiece God created you to be. 

7. Have an ambition to stay healthy and feel good about yourself. Work out and eat right. It will make you feel like you are a champion. Because really, you are! Embrace it !!

8. You are going to feel alone. And you're going to be ok. 

9. You NEED your parents. Stop saying you don't. 

1o. You're going to feel unworthy. 
Stop it. God says you are worth more than the birds in the sky. Try to count all the birds in the sky you see today, and when you give up, know there's like a gazillion out there. 

11. Trust your gut. But don't be afraid to change your mind. 

12. The past is over. Yes, we learned a lot from it, but we can't change it. If I could, I'd go back to my birthday and eat the pound or so of Alfredo I did. Don't fret about it. 

13. Being a good person is hard work. You're going to be a meany-pants sometimes, and when that day comes forgive yourself, forgive others and love them like they've never been loved before. 

14. Don't defeat yourself about trying to see the good in every person you meet. Just say, "Whoops. Still love you home-slice, " and remember that life is cool. 

15. When you find your dude/gal that you absolutely adore, that is pure awesomeness. But your relationship is going to take work. Nothing comes easy in life & don't think that your love you had when you were young is going to get you through life's troubles when your older. Be set emotionally, physically, career-wise and mentally. That person is going to be the one that you pux around (that's slang for fart in Trinidad.) They're going to be the one that gives you toilet-paper when there is none in the bathroom and you're doing your business. I pray this your best friend. 

16. Accept that as time progresses, your body and mind will change. We'll all grow ponza's together (Italian slang for big-belly) and it will be great. 

17. Sometimes the floor will be the only one to catch you. Ouch. That's going to hurt. But don't forget that the sky is right above your pretty little head. Reach for it, baby!

18. Love people. Love them, love them, love them. I can't express that enough. No matter what they've done, who they are or whether or not they like Kings or Ducks, love their guts. 

19. Ehhh, but you won't love everyone & that's ok. Some people are harder to love. Sometimes I try to hug my 13 year old sister and I tell her to love me and she's like,"What's going on here?" But I still love her guts. Even when we have a disagreement, I am still called to love. 

20. It's ok to be alone. Turn off the phone, the tv, social media and take a breather. Go sit yourself at the beach or wherever you like going and read a book, listen to some country music and chill there. Jesus needed to take time for him to be alone so he could pray and gather his thoughts. Do it, too. Because life is going to get chaotic. Allow yourself the time to transform into the lovely person you are. 

21. Adventure is out there! Seek it. You want to go on a safari? (That's my DREAM!) Seek out the plans to do so. You can! Take the steps to do so! It may take some time getting there, but you got it dude! 

22. Say Thank You. Please. Excuse Me. Manners make you sophisticated. 

23. Buy your friend a corn dog or some other item that will make them happy. Why? Because you can. 

24. If your friend has ketchup on their shirt. Put some on yours, too. Don't ever put your friends down. 


26. Just like #25 says, its ok to just say Nothing. 

27. It's ok to tell people how you feel. If they asked, they probably really care about you. 

28. Listen. Pull a #25. Your presence is magical. 

29. God has a plan. You are a special person. And you have a specific route called for you. It may not be Route 66. Let it be Route #25. Just go with the flow. It may be nothing right now, but God will take you places you never dreamed! 

30. Embrace the adventure. 

You are so cool, 


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