Hello everyone,
My name is Alexis Giovanna Ramdhani and I have the privilege of speaking to you on behalf of my Nona today. I know that more than anything, my Nona adored her family and looked at each and everyone one of you as someone truly special to her that was a part of her family. With that, I say thank you to wonderful relatives, beloved friends and cherished family for attending this gracious day.
I would like to share a quote with you that has been constantly playing in head this week. It goes:
Why does God bring thunderclouds and disasters when we want green pastures and still waters? Bit by bit we find, behind the clouds, the Father’s feet; behind the lightning, an abiding day that has no night; behind the thunder, a still, small voice that comforts with a comfort that is unspeakable.
by Oswald Chambers
Whenever, I read this quote, I am reminded that God is constantly whispering, “She was My plan to help you slow down and learn to be still, child. I often reach you through unlikely people. Just sit here for a bit now while I comfort you.”
Through each step in our journey, together, Nona and I learned that our God is so so good. He always had a remarkable and beautiful plan that we could never fathom for either of our lives. Nona was the light that allowed me to see each day as such a gift to be cherished. Every changing day, I learned something new from her. I learned Humility when she would sit quietly and listen to me speak. I learned Trust when I knew I could confide to her from the depths of my heart. I learned Patience when even in the midst of hardship, she was always the most patient of them all. I learned to Laugh when she taught me to giggle in face of an obstacle. I learned Joy when she would call my name. I learned Love when she proved hers was infinite.
God created all of us with a specific story in mind. Each one of us has a special gift or talent that he has given us. He also has laid out a certain path for us to take. My Nona has a beautiful story he had given her. One I am so proud to tell you about.
Giovanna was born in Libya, Africa to her wonderful parents. They lived there until she turned 5 years old in 1940. Her family then relocated to Rimini, Italy where they stayed for a year until they moved to Sicily. At 8 years old, she was pulled out of school to help her parents care for her younger siblings. When she reached age 14, her family escaped Mussolini’s tyrant in Italy and went to Benghazi, Africa for safety during the WWll period. In 1955, my Nona left her family to go care for an aunt in New York where she was later met by some of her brothers. Her brothers were able to find work, while she stayed home to watch Soap Operas in order to learn English. Then, in 1961, their whole family traveled to the U.S. by boat. On this boat, was a young man named Angelo Cracchiolo, my grandfather. My Nona’s and grandpa’s family set the two up on a date immediately. After that one date, he proposed and they moved to California.(I have a feeling that on that date, Nona maybe made him her famous spaghetti and after he tried it, he knew there was no turning back.)
Nona started a small child care service in her home and made every child she looked after feel as a part of her own family. All the while, raising 4 wonderful children of her own. After everyone grew up, she got a position at Disneyland where she worked for 14 years and LOVED every moment of it. Eventually, grandchildren came along and I believe this was when she was at her happiest. She absolutely adored us. She opened up her home to my siblings, cousins and I when our parents were away at work. There we would spend hours with each other playing, laughing and sharing heart-felt moments. There was never a night that I did not go home without a large pan of spaghetti sauce and pasta. I looked forward to her house everyday because I knew there was always excitement in store whether it be a fun afternoon at the house or a spontaneous trip to Disneyland. She was constantly telling us that we were more precious than any of the beautiful roses she grew in her backyard. Each one intriqueately created and crafted, being made into something unlike any other rose. She had the most sincere look in her eyes and when she looked at you and told you how much you meant to her and you know you believed her. She set us as a priority by making the constant effort to be at every birthday party, graduation and sporting event for each grandchild. I think I can speak on behalf of each us when I say that we all shared a special bond with Nona and carry a memorable story with us that we will never forget.
God’s story for my Nona entailed caring for so many people throughout her life. I am thankful for the unique opportunity I received to reciprocate to her all the love and time she had given to so many. I will cherish and keep every moment close to my heart.
My precious Nona is now a child again in the Lord’s arms. I believe He was able to use her as a vessel to guide my own life. I can only pray I can do the same for others the way she did for me. She was an inspiration and has brought my life and unbelievable amount of joy. I don’t think it is a coincidence that her name, Giovanna, means “Gift from God.” In fact, I believe it was fate. It was God’s story. And I think most of you know, having met her or heard about her, she was a remarkable gift.
My life will change forever without you here to guide me, Nona. I will miss your warm laugh, the way you would smile at me when I came home from school, how you hugged and kissed me every day as if you hadn’t seen me in years. I will miss you teaching me how to cook for I know I will never be able to perfect the beauty of food that your table once held. I will miss your presence at home, for even in my loneliest of hours I know now you are closer than ever. I will miss you calling me your “angel” and I will rest in the fact that you are now mine. I just know that you are looking down, with that beautiful smile of yours, saying, “I was the plan to help slow you down and teach you to be still. I was the likeliest of people in God’s eyes. Sit here for a moment, for your next steps are great.” If I was not able to thank you enough before Nona, thank you for being my angel. I'll see you again soon.